Tuesday, November 26, 2013

27 Weeks.

Better late than never! Here's last week's 27-week update. Sorry for the delay!

It was another busy week around here. Adam's 28th birthday was on Thursday, so I made dinner for him (Chicken Taquitos per his request) and one of his favorite desserts (Deluxe Chocolate Marshmallow Bars). The kitchen looked like a tornado hit, but we let the dishes sit for the night so we could relax and watch the movie The Internship. It was a nice break, and we had some laughs thanks to Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. On Friday we got to celebrate with his parents and grandma at Cox Bros. BBQ here in town. So yummy and such a blessing to be able to spend time with them. 

Adam isn't big on birthdays, but I refuse to let it pass like any other day. Hence the surprise candles on his birthday dessert.

Hey, at least I didn't sing to him. Once baby girl is old enough to sing with me, there will be no holding us back.

Doodles must have known it was his birthday. Her gift? Sitting on his lap. This never happens.

Doodles has also been cozying up in my pregnancy pillow. I can understand why she'd be drawn to it, so I can't say that I blame her. 
She looked so cute and comfy I couldn't bring myself to move her right away.

What's even cuter? This....

What else have I been up to? Loads and loads of laundry that look like this.

Yep, those are adorable little clothes for baby girl.

We have been fortunate enough to receive a ton of clothes already as hand-me-downs. I received about 6 bags from a co-worker who has three girls and a tub of toddler clothes from another friend. Talk about a huge blessing! The piles have been sitting behind our couch for well over a month just waiting to be sorted. I finally tackled this daunting project this weekend...first sorting by size then washing load after load after load, then folding and finally placing in the nursery. I'm still in shock over how many clothes she already has. It was so fun to go through all of them and oooo and ahhh over how adorable they are. I can't wait to see her in all the cute little outfits! How will I ever decide what to dress her in each day?

This is her closet so far....wow! Still working on the organization, but it's a start.
This doesn't even take into account the pile of pj's, bloomers, and hats in the dresser.
We are blessed, that's for sure!

We may or may not have forced Doodles to model a couple of the hats (before washing them). She was thrilled, as you can see.

OK, on to the (delayed) weekly update. As promised, here is the bump picture! I bet you thought I forgot.

27 weeks. Getting bigger, no doubt about it!

Of course Sadie had to be a part of the photo shoot. Proud sister.

No major changes last week...just more frequent trips to the potty. I think my poor bladder is getting squished. Still experiencing constant back pain and having lots of dreams each night. To add to the fun, I've had charlie horse cramps in my calves waking me in the middle of the night (talk about a rude awakening). I was giving Adam a hard time because I'm very dramatic when these strike, and he still doesn't wake up. I'm just grateful to still be sleeping through the night at this point. Baby girl's movements still catch me off guard at times. She has had a pattern of movement for quite a while now as I'm sure it follows her wake/sleep schedule. I absolutely love feeling her move--it's literally the neatest thing. I mean, think about it! I know I'll miss it after pregnancy, but it will also mean that she'll be here and in my arms instead!

Baby girl's stats for this week:
As of last week, baby girl weighed almost 2 lbs. and was about 14-1/2 in. long with legs extended. She's now sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and maybe even sucking her fingers. Her brain is very active now, and while her lungs are still immature, they'd be capable of functioning with a lot of medical help. Supposedly I'd be able to feel hiccups now, but I don't think I've felt them yet!

I'll be back this weekend for your 28-week update. I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving full of laughter, love, and tons of delicious food. Count your blessings--we are certainly counting ours and thanking God for everything He has given us!

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

27 Weeks.

Better late than never! Here's last week's 27-week update. Sorry for the delay!

It was another busy week around here. Adam's 28th birthday was on Thursday, so I made dinner for him (Chicken Taquitos per his request) and one of his favorite desserts (Deluxe Chocolate Marshmallow Bars). The kitchen looked like a tornado hit, but we let the dishes sit for the night so we could relax and watch the movie The Internship. It was a nice break, and we had some laughs thanks to Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. On Friday we got to celebrate with his parents and grandma at Cox Bros. BBQ here in town. So yummy and such a blessing to be able to spend time with them. 

Adam isn't big on birthdays, but I refuse to let it pass like any other day. Hence the surprise candles on his birthday dessert.

Hey, at least I didn't sing to him. Once baby girl is old enough to sing with me, there will be no holding us back.

Doodles must have known it was his birthday. Her gift? Sitting on his lap. This never happens.

Doodles has also been cozying up in my pregnancy pillow. I can understand why she'd be drawn to it, so I can't say that I blame her. 
She looked so cute and comfy I couldn't bring myself to move her right away.

What's even cuter? This....

What else have I been up to? Loads and loads of laundry that look like this.

Yep, those are adorable little clothes for baby girl.

We have been fortunate enough to receive a ton of clothes already as hand-me-downs. I received about 6 bags from a co-worker who has three girls and a tub of toddler clothes from another friend. Talk about a huge blessing! The piles have been sitting behind our couch for well over a month just waiting to be sorted. I finally tackled this daunting project this weekend...first sorting by size then washing load after load after load, then folding and finally placing in the nursery. I'm still in shock over how many clothes she already has. It was so fun to go through all of them and oooo and ahhh over how adorable they are. I can't wait to see her in all the cute little outfits! How will I ever decide what to dress her in each day?

This is her closet so far....wow! Still working on the organization, but it's a start.
This doesn't even take into account the pile of pj's, bloomers, and hats in the dresser.
We are blessed, that's for sure!

We may or may not have forced Doodles to model a couple of the hats (before washing them). She was thrilled, as you can see.

OK, on to the (delayed) weekly update. As promised, here is the bump picture! I bet you thought I forgot.

27 weeks. Getting bigger, no doubt about it!

Of course Sadie had to be a part of the photo shoot. Proud sister.

No major changes last week...just more frequent trips to the potty. I think my poor bladder is getting squished. Still experiencing constant back pain and having lots of dreams each night. To add to the fun, I've had charlie horse cramps in my calves waking me in the middle of the night (talk about a rude awakening). I was giving Adam a hard time because I'm very dramatic when these strike, and he still doesn't wake up. I'm just grateful to still be sleeping through the night at this point. Baby girl's movements still catch me off guard at times. She has had a pattern of movement for quite a while now as I'm sure it follows her wake/sleep schedule. I absolutely love feeling her move--it's literally the neatest thing. I mean, think about it! I know I'll miss it after pregnancy, but it will also mean that she'll be here and in my arms instead!

Baby girl's stats for this week:
As of last week, baby girl weighed almost 2 lbs. and was about 14-1/2 in. long with legs extended. She's now sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and maybe even sucking her fingers. Her brain is very active now, and while her lungs are still immature, they'd be capable of functioning with a lot of medical help. Supposedly I'd be able to feel hiccups now, but I don't think I've felt them yet!

I'll be back this weekend for your 28-week update. I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving full of laughter, love, and tons of delicious food. Count your blessings--we are certainly counting ours and thanking God for everything He has given us!

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